Fast Track to FarCry Contributor


Each unit introduces a new concept with a demonstration, followed by a walk-through and finally a lab for students to complete on their own to reinforce the concept. The course is usually conducted over a 1 day period.


By the end of the course students should be able to:

  • Navigate around FarCry and understand the various sections
  • Manage their site using the site tree
  • Understand and use the FarCry workflow
  • Preview the site
  • Manage dynamic content (e.g. news items and events)


  • Familiarity with the Windows operating system
  • Familiarity with basic web terminology


  • Introduction to FarCry CMS (content management, where does FarCry fit in, overview, site, content, admin, reporting, security)
  • Site Tree (overview of site tree, creating new content, content locking)
  • Workflow (FarCry workflow, requesting approval, approving multiple content items, editing approved content)
  • Media Library (adding an image to an HTML page, file library, media library, inserting images from the image library)
  • Dynamic Content (category management, create news content, create event content)
  • Containers & Publishing Rules (containers, design mode, publishing rules, publishing news content)