FarCry Developer Training Course


The course is task-based, with students building there own FarCry application over the two day course period. Each unit will introduce a new concept, allow for students to follow a demonstration, then be walked through a lesson with their instructor and finally complete a task on their own to reinforce the concept.

  • Course Costs: POA
  • Recommended class size: No more than 8 students
  • On Site or Online: Daemon can come to you on site or deliver the course online through Google Hangout
  • Public Courses: Daemon has no schedule for public courses at this time -- contact us and we'll let you know when the next course will be.


  • Experience with HTML
  • Experience with CFML (Lucee or Adobe ColdFusion)
  • Experience with SQL


  • UNIT 1 - Introducing the Course — FarCry Core is a web application framework based on the ColdFusion language. FarCry CMS is a popular content management solution built with FarCry Core. As a community, we provide support for the framework, CMS, and a host of community plugins including libraries for Google Maps, image manipulation, free text searching, and many more.
  • UNIT 2 - Installation — After completing this unit you should be familiar with the specific system requirements and the various options for a typical FarCry installation. Completion of this unit is necessary to set up your local development environment for the rest of the course.
  • UNIT 3 - FarCry Overview — FarCry provides a variety of out-of-the-box services including a comprehensive array of content management options. However, FarCry is in fact a web application framework that can be used to build sophisticated solutions that go way beyond a typical content management platform. One of the first steps to understanding what's possible is getting to grips with what installs by default.
  • UNIT 4 - Webskins I — In this unit we learn about webskins: the "view" for FarCry Framework. Webskins form the presentation tier of any FarCry application. By the end of this unit you should have a basic understanding of how webskins are managed, their relationship to content types and how to create your own.
  • UNIT 5 - Content Types — This unit covers the fundamental building blocks of any FarCry application: the Content Type. By the end of this unit you should be able to create and deploy your own content types.
  • UNIT 6 - Content Relationships — By the end of this unit you will have learnt how to relate content types to one another, using one-to-many and many-to-many relationships. You will be able to create user interfaces to allow editors to select and relate objects from libraries.
  • UNIT 7 - Webskins II — This unit is a workshop to discuss how to hook up different content types in the presentation tier - linking from one view to the next by the content's relationships.
  • UNIT 8 - Object Broker — By the end of this unit you will be able to apply caching to various aspects of your applications to dramatically increase performance.
  • UNIT 9 - The Webtop — By the end of this unit you will be able to modify the webtop tabs, sub-sections and menus.
  • UNIT 10 - Building Forms — After completing this unit you will be able to build your own FarCry forms to edit and save content objects.
  • UNIT 11 - Plugins I — By the end of this unit, we should have an understanding of how FarCry navigates our project and plugins to find both content type metadata and relevent webskin locations.
  • APPENDIX A - Class Setup Notes